WHAT IS A CAJUN? What shall I say about a Cajun? They are utterly impractical, never predictable, Something irascible, quite inexplicable, Cajun.. Strange blend of shyness, pride and conceit. And stubborn refusal to bow in defeat.. He's spoiling and ready to argue and fight, Yet the smile of a child fills his soul with delight.. His eyes are the quickest to well up in tears, Yet his strength is the strongest to banish your fears... His faith is as fierce as his devotion is grand.. And there's no middle ground on which he will stand.. He's wild and he's gentle, he's good and he's bad, He's proud and he's humble, he's happy and sad.. He's in love with the ocean, the earth and the skies. He's enamored with beauty wherever it lies.. He's victor and victim, a star and a clod, But mostly he's Cajun and in love with his God.. Author Unknown  The Cochon de Lait Festival, (which means roughly pig of milk, or pig fed on milk, I would suppose.) is held in Mansura. Located just outside of Marksville, we went to see the Festival this year. They had a little five piece band playing, and had many booths to sell trinkets, and they had the usual carnival, but the main attraction is the pig roast. People were lined up for food. I took this picture of the pigs roasting. This is not a sight that you are going to be seeing everyday.  Avoyelles Parish is steeped in Cajun tradition, families and the language. Partly French and partly a flavor that is all it's own. The Parish is about 30% of Cajun influence and you can tell when you are looking for a Plumber in the phone book, how many names reflect a French Heritage. Often made me wish I had given my last name as Lammoreaux, which was my little French Grandma's Mother's maiden name. I am dedicating this page to Festivals, recipes, pictures, all things that reflect this wonderful bit of Cajun Flavor.

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