One Chasing a dream, catching hold of a star laid back and pampered didn't go very far, striving for insight, deep in your soul alone with your comforts, peace was your goal. Love, money, possessions or a character flaw, back to beginnings behind blind eyes that saw.... hard work and sweat, and pride in your chore more lasting than fasting, lean minds couldn't soar. Graciously bestowing praise on the fold, helping the errant to excape from life's mold.... going directions for the better of mankind, carving deeply, not neatly, worn ruts in your mind. Came into this world with a cry and a tear, making a mark so that all saw you here.... then back to beginnings after all that you've done history alone, once gone, seldom remembers just one. ~nea © May 2001
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He A breath of night air and a cool summers eve breeze i can smell the rain, i can hear the rustle of leaves. I close my eyes so the dark can invade my inner soul I want to remember soft kisses, feel a lovers warm glow. We are so far apart, because of this path that I chose still the memory of strong arms pushes past the door that I closed. He said he would never stop waiting, I told him to do what he must and he knows I will remember, and in his love place my trust. A future so unclear yet we will never be free my love will always be his and his, always, for me. 