
Darrin moved to Sacramento when he got out of High School, and went to school, got a job, got married, had a baby, well not all in that order, but thereabout. I don't have to many pictures handy, but I will put up the few that I have. And then go and find some more..... |
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Darrin was and probably still is, a wonderful artist. When he was two, he drew his first real picture. It was of a train. It was glued into his baby book. I am kind of sorry that I gave the baby books to the kids. There are things in there that bring back memories for the Mother, I don't know if a baby book is for the baby or the Mother. Anyway, I loved that little picture. It was so good, you could tell it was a train, with the smoke coming out the top. I do not have any of the pictures that Darrin drew through the years..... and there were some really great ones. He also drew the "Cat", don't remember if it was a Tiger or a Puma or what it was, but it was the school Logo, and they had him draw one for the inside cover of the Yearbook. 

I remember when Darrin was eight, he got his first lawn mowing job....he was small for his age, and it was all he could do to push the mower. He mowed the lawn for the Dentist's that I was working for at the time. I would go out at my lunch and help him mow the lawn. They were paying him $8. to mow a little bit of grass. That was alot of money in those days. Yeh, that was a long time ago, it was the year that Scott was born. Darrin was eight when I had my second child....... |