
Well the last of the litter is Nicki. Born in Garden Grove around 10:00 at night, what they say about them getting easier the more you have, just don't you believe it, anyway, he made it. And a fine little man he is. Now 6 years old and growing fast, he has kind of red hair and freckles. Don't ask, I don't know, I had red hair and freckles. So why shouldn't he. But we like freckles in this family, you know, cute as a speckled pup, well that is my Nicki. |
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Georgia, Nicki 6 |

California 1999 |
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California 1999, Nicki was about 4 at the time

Nicki just finished Kindergarten, and graduated to 1st grade. He had quite a year. He began school in Louisiana at a school called LaFargue. Named after the man who build our home. Our house was about 3 blocks from the school. Well, to make a long story short, between the dress program, which Ana hated, and the corporal punishment that Ana was afraid of, and the hollering and yelling at the kids that both my children were unhappy about. We soon realized that Louisiana school system left a little to be desired. Now I am not saying you can't get a good education there, but kids have to WANT to go to school. And Ana who has loved school everyday of her life, and has always maintained a 4.0 GPA, was not wanting to go to school anymore. There was just no incentives. They had no playground equipment, you weren't allowed to speak during lunch, or in the hallways. And children were classifed as BAD who did talk. For me, communication is a vital eliment of life and knowledge. I found it to be totally unacceptable that they were educating the mind but not allowing any social skills. So we moved to Georgia. The South has a diligent ragime of NOT TALKING. So school here has its fair share of shooshing. But at least communication is allowed during lunch, and there is no Uniforms. So life is tolerable once more. Although my home is where the heart is. And I miss my home. |