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Just Pictures
Trevor's Family

Trevor's Graduation

Hehehehe, unless he got married when I wasn't looking, he hasn't a family yet, except us. But since we don't hear from him all that often...............hmmmmmmmmmm

Hey Trevor, the phone number is 678-721-9666 "ET" Call HOME......

Ain't he handsome!!

Trevor is kind of the quiet type, it was surprising when he went into the Marines that I got a letter a week from him. But now he has a car and I guess gas to go in it, we don't see or hear from him very much..........hint, hint

Taken back in the home in Garden Grove at Christmas. We didn't move until about March, well that is when the furniture left, then Tom had a heart attach, and we lived in the house without furniture for the next two months.

Momma's little Marine

How is this for Handsome!!

I will soon haul out the baby pictures, but I have to find them first. This is a nice place to store pictures, although if they aren't done with digital the process takes some time. So I will only put up a few of the baby pictures.