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Aside from the many squirrels and birds that we feed, we have a couple cats, one who lives in the house, and one who lives outside and a dog who now lives with another family. But we love them all........... |
There is Mr. Purdy the house cat Tanner the stray who came to stay and Sadie the pup, My travelling back and forth made it hard to keep her, so we let a nice little boy who wanted a dog take her for his own. It makes us sad, but we still think of her as our dog. Mr. Purdy came to us via the animal shelter. When he heard that they were going to some unspeakable thing to his manhood, he took off and stayed gone until after the day of his surgery. The next day, he came home, so don't tell me that cats don't understand. Anyway, he is still a "Tom" cat, and I am now a fugitive from the law, because I signed somekind of paper stating that I would get him "fixed". He didn't like that idea very much, I guess.

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 | Hummingbirds are out now, and I have hummingbird feeders up in both places. They seem rather unconcerned about our comings and goings, and they will hover very close to me when I am working in the yard. The squirrels are also becoming quite tame, I had one walk right across my path on her way to the ole watering hole. Which happens to be a birdbath that I keep full of fresh water. I know that it was a female because she looked very much as a dog does when nursing puppies. She had very full mammeries. We are now feeding about a dozen or so squirrels. I wondered if one ever fell out of a tree, they seem to be very sure-footed, and they jump great distances from branch to branch. Well the other day, a couple got in a fight, and all of a sudden down comes one squirrel out of the tree, KERPLUNK he hits the ground. I didn't see a dead squirrel carcass lying on the ground, so I guess he was able to hobble away. But I think he must have a limp or something now. Poor little thing......
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